The catheter that makes sense for real life.

Every woman is different. We say “vive la différence”,  with the catheter LoFric® Sensetm for intermittent sefl-catheterisation. Option that suts not only  women’s lifestyle but also their medical needs. 

  • Optimal tube length
  • Instant activation of the hydrophilic surface
  • Hydrophilic surface that minimizes friction both at insertion and withdrawal due to  special Urotonictmtechnology on its surface
  • User-friendly handle allows easy and safe use with a good grip for better control, a nontouch technique.
  • Discreet design

10 cm tube  ensures both catheter eyes are in the bladder for complete bladder emptying and it is connected directly to a collection bag when necessary.

Practical lifestyly needs can be just as important as medical ones. With   LoFric® Sensetm you will never have to choose between them.


comfortable, complete emptying and proven safe for long-term use. 


before, during and after use.         


functional design from storage to disposal.