Rare Diseases

On the Rare Disease Day 2019, 28th of February, Ariti launched a new business unit within the pharmaceutical division, working exclusively on rare disorders. The newly formed team is composed of experienced personnel in the field of orphan drugs both in local and international markets. Our main goal, would be to offer therapeutic solutions to patients suffering from rare diseases in Greece and Cyprus, through collaborations with other pharmaceutical companies.

  • Access to therapy

We engage into different steps during the lifecycle of a product, guiding our partners on early access programs (EAPs), named patient programs (NPPs) and Pricing & Reimbursement process.

  • Product handling

With two warehouses, in Athens and Thessaloniki, we ensure proper storage and transport conditions.  

  • Pharmacovigilance support

Our pharmacovigilance and regulatory affairs team has experience in product registration and PV activities including Risk Minimization Programs.  

  • Marketing and Sales

Our goal is to achieve desired market penetration for a specific pharmaceutical product. Our priority is to apply strategies to increase disease awareness, engage HCPs into active patient identification initiatives and expose stakeholders to the added value of a given pharmaceutical product.     

  • Market and Disease Analysis

We provide analysis on disease prevalence, centers of excellence, diagnostic centers, patient organizations as well as HCPs and KOL networks dealing with a specific disorder. Our report provides information on current disease management guidelines as well as competitive landscape analysis.

Για θέματα επιστημονικής ενημέρωσης και φαρμακοεπαγρύπνησης παρακαλούμε απευθυνθείτε στα τηλ. 210 8002650 ή 6981672031, καθώς και στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: pharmacovigilance@ariti.gr