NewsroomSPONSONSHIPS Tuesday, July 13th, 2021Ariti S.A. as Sponsor in the 7th Scientific Meeting of the Urodynamics, Neurourology and Female Urology Section of the Hellenic Urological Association, 5-7 October 2017 in Chania. Previous Post Ariti S.A. as Sponsor in the 31st Panhellenic Congress of Paediatric Surgery with International Participation to be held from 6th to 8th October 2017 in Thessaloniki. Next Post Ariti S.A. as Sponsor in the 2nd National Scientific Meeting, Hellenic Spinal Cord Section "From Prevention to Community Reintegration, Working Together", 24-25 November 2017, "Ιoannis Vellidis" Convention Centre, Thessaloniki.